Summer › Sky
June | July | August
While a couple of these were shot in Edenbrook Conservation Area, the majority were taken in Purgatory Park from a high point hill on the east side of the park looking west (naturally) at sunset. If I notice the clouds shaping up for what might be a dramatic sunset, I'll head over and set up my tripod about an hour before, which is usually when the show begins. I've missed many spectacular opportunities, but have managed to capture a few over the course of several years.

Storm One
The front of this storm was dramatic, with thin bands of wispy clouds streaming through the thunderheads. This was followed by a bubble-like cloud formation called mammatus, which typically develop on the underside of a thunderstorm's anvil. As the sun set, the sky turned a spectacular fire red-orange.

Storm Two
This was a particularly dynamic and beautiful storm, rapidly changing with continually mushrooming white clouds catching the setting sun in the distance, with black and shades of blue-gray sliding across the foreground. Sirens were blaring, warning of the possibility for a tornado.

Storm Three
The trees were dancing violently, and bowing to their limit in this storm. The sky turned an odd shade of yellow-green, ultimately producing damaging hail. I can't help but see a face in the clouds in the first shot here, looking ominously downward on the landscape below.